putting the last touches on the campfire story I was going to tell complete with all the girls’ names when a knock comes on our door. We have to evacuate. The river is rising. The flood is coming. The first thing I grab – not our important papers or even our electronics. No, the first thing is my memory stick with all my novels, plays, works in progress. And the whole time I’m packing and calming my younger daughter and organizing our escape and the pets’ escape with the help of my husband and my older daughter, I’m thinking of the various scenarios and scenes and stories these emotions and actions could fit into. But that’s a writer’s brain for you. You have to write from experience and even if the place is outer space on a ship invaded by monsters where you are madly trying to get to the escape shuttle with all the equipment you can carry – the emotion is the same. The experience is the same. I just didn’t have laser guns. I really should get me some laser guns – or probably more helpful, some kind of super sponge gun
that could sop up that river and get me back into my house.